Constitution of syria pdf

Article 5 3 the political system of the arab republic of egypt is a multiparty one, within the framework. The fundamental law, written or unwritten, that establishes the character of a government by defining the basic principles to which a society must conform. The sole source of power in syria shall be its multinational and multi. It was a diplomatic play to get the parties talking about other issues than the sterile issue of the future of president assad, which has prevented process in all the negotiations up to now. The syrian constitution in its essence emphasizes on the equality in rights, gender and duties for all citizens and there shall be no discrimination based on gender. Article 26 the executive power shall be vested in the king, who shall exercise his powers through his ministers in accordance with the provisions of the present. The constitution of the rojava cantons personal website. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states, which shall consist of a senate and house of representatives. Right to culture article 2 type of government envisioned 1. The constitution shall have supreme legal force, direct effect and shall be applicable in the entire territory of syria. Instead, the desire is for the region to function within broader syria based on the laws and principles outlined. This constitution is the preeminent and supreme law in iraq and shall be binding in all parts of iraq without exception.

The social contract of rojava cantons in syria preamble we, the people of the democratic autonomous regions of afrin, jazira and kobane, a confederation of kurds, arabs, syrics, arameans, turkmen, armenians and chechens, freely and solemnly declare and establish this charter. Constitution of the syrian arab republic 2012 preamble arab civilization, which is part of human heritage, has faced through its long history great challenges aimed at breaking its will and subjecting it to colonial domination, but it has always rose through its own creative abilities to exercise its role in building human. Critics note that the document includes a ban on retroactive legislation, implying that the 14year limit on presidential terms might enable. This is not a constitution in the traditional sense as the document rejects forming a separate nationstate. History, the civil war and peace prospects article pdf available january 2018 with 12,175 reads. As a national heritage that promotes national unity, the constitution shall guarantee the protection of cultural diversity of the syrian society. Article 3 the religion of the president of the republic is islam. It establishes the basic principles and laws of the state, its credo, values, and basic structure of government. It was adopted on 29 january 2014, when the democratic union party, claiming to represent the population of.

Jan 25, 2017 syrias opposition rejected a proposal from russia on a new constitution for the conflicttorn country, warning the kremlin against repeating the mistake made by the bush administration after. Syrian arab republics draft constitution of 2017 constituteproject. The new law puts an end to five decades of oneparty rule among other reforms put forward by president assad. The first story represents the almost depressed stance taken towards the war in syria the feeling of hopelessness that runs deep and which increases every day the crisis continues a hopelessness linked to the feeling of syria and syrians as abandoned andor desolated. The constitution of the autonomous administration of north and east syria, officially titled charter of the social contract, is the provisional constitution of the selfproclaimed autonomous region of syria known as the autonomous administration of north and east syria. Sep 09, 2016 the constitution of rojava was written january 29, 2014 when the people of rojava declared their autonomy in northern syria. Sputnik has obtained a document of the draft syrian constitution proposed by the russian delegation during the astana talks. Full text of the new syrian draft constitution sputnik. Under the service of the flag law of 1953, all syrian males, with the exception of jews, must serve in the military n. Constitution and the question of whether a president has the authority to take military action unilaterally, without a congressional declaration of war.

Preface the syrian syriac orthodox church of antioch is the official name of our sacred church. The current constitution delineates the basic function of that states government. Article 4 2 the national economy is based on the development of economic activity, social justice, the guarantee of the different forms of property and the preservation of workers rights. Russias constitution for syria full text and analysis. Congressional research service 1 background in march 2011, antigovernment protests broke out in syria, which has been ruled by the asad family for more than four decades. Although article 8 was removed in the 2012 constitution, assad and the baath party remain in control of every facet of syrianot only of the state and society but also of the. Constitution 1973 this document is an english version of the syrian constitution adopted on march 1973 syria constitution 1973. In antioch the disciples were first called christians acts 11. The draft constitution russia presented to the parties at the astana conference is not a blueprint for syria s future and the russians did not intend in that way. Sc resolution 2254 june 2016 page 4 of 59 constitution, incorporating in its introductory pages a declaration of constitutional principles to ensure that syria is set on a new course see appendix iv. These 5 principles stress the unity of the arab world. Earlier in the week, the draft syrian constitution, prepared by russian experts, was presented to the syrian opposition during the settlement talks in the capital of kazakhstan. Constitution of syria project gutenberg selfpublishing.

The constitution of the rojava cantons revolution the social contract of rojava cantons in kurdistan syria. Drafting a modern constitution for syria syrian expert house. Apostolic constitutions didascalia apostolorum book i vi the first six books are an adaptation of the didascalia apostolorum, written in syria about ad 250. Some participants urged that instead of amending the current constitution, syria s 1950 constitution could serve as an interim constitution for the 18month. Earlier in the week, the draft syrian constitution, prepared by russian experts, was presented to the syrian opposition during the settlement talks in. The constitution mandates the primacy of baath party leaders in state institutions and society, and assad and baath party leaders dominate all three branches of government as an authoritarian regime. Arab civilization, which is part of human heritage, has faced through its long history great challenges aimed at breaking its will and subjecting it to colonial domination, but it has always rose through its own creative abilities to exercise its role in building human civilization. An act to provide for the constitution of the kingdom of swaziland, 2005.

The issue of the syrian constitution today is one of the most problematic issues. However, the asad governments use of force to retake most oppositionheld areas of syria has reduced pressure on damascus to negotiate, and. The sum of the founders statements is that the president was understood to have authority to defend the united states against an attack, but that he has no power to go beyond the line of defense without. Syria s opposition movement, which urged syrians to boycott the constitutional referendum, is deeply sceptical, condemning the new constitution as a sham, designed to enable the embattled regime to retain power under the guise of democracy. Among other things, it determines syrias character to be arab, democratic, and republican. The protests spread, violence escalated primarily but not exclusively by syrian government forces, and numerous political and armed opposition groups emerged.

A few days later, the baath party unanimously elected bashar as its leader and proposed him as the only candidate for syria s presidency. Article 2 1 the governmental system of the syrian arab region is a republican system. Laws and other legal acts, which are adopted in syria, must not contradict the constitution. Jan 29, 2017 another important part of the constitution is that the army and other armed forces are separated from politics and are under control of the people, gadzhimagomedov told reporters. The state shall respect all religions, and ensure the freedom to. I swear by the almighty god to respect the countrys constitution, laws and republican system, to look after the interests. Among other things, it determines syria s character to be arab, democratic and republican. Syria opposition rejects russian draft of new constitution. The 1953 constitution mandated that instead of the president being elected by the parliament, he would be elected by a direct popular vote. Provisional constitution of the united arab republic march 5, 1958 author.

Effective power in syria rests with the president of the republic since 2000, bashar alassad, reelected in 2014, who, according to 84 of the old constitution, was elected in an uncontested popular referendum on the proposal of the syrian branch of the baath party. Provisional constitution of the united arab republic. Syria to hold referendum on new constitution bbc news. The constitution of syria delineates the basic function of that states government. Now hereby adopt, by referendum, this constitution as the supreme law of the republic of rwanda. Executive summary president bashar assad has ruled the syrian arab republic since 2000. Constitution of the syrian arab republic b, 2012, english translation, published by. Subsequently, in january 1975, after the government had itself revised some of its provisions, the draft constitution was officially filed with the parliament, and the revisionary work in fact, the framing of a new constitution began.

Bashar was then nominated by the baath party and elected president in a popular referendum in library of congress federal research division country profile. The new syrian constitution, drafted by russia and presented to opposition leaders, has been obtained by sputnik. Assembly selected a committee to draft a new consti tution for syria. A peace plan for syria iii agreed zones of control, decentralization, and international administration james dobbins, philip gordon, and jeffrey martini. Text of draft syrian constitution proposed by russia revealed. Pdf the constitution of the rojava cantons revolution.

General provisions article one the rwandan state is an independent, sovereign, democratic, social and secular republic. English translation of the syrian constitution modifications 15022012. In june 1920 a french ultimatum demanding syrian recognition of the mandate was followed by a french occupation and the expulsion in july of fay. Syria is a state with a republican form of government. However, the 1950 constitution was restored in 1954 after yet another coup. Text of draft syrian constitution proposed by russia. Russian draft serves as guide for final syrian constitution. Syria simple english wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The paper also says that syrias foreign policy will be built on the basis of good neighborliness, cooperation and mutual security and abide by. No law that contradicts this constitution shall be enacted. The political orientations of some of the major powers remain the same in terms of their disregard for syrians and their exclusion of them from participating in shaping the future of their country and determining the precepts of the transitional phase. Constitution comprising ideas expressed by rwandans themselves.

Among other things, it determines syrias character to be arab, democratic and republican. The syrian constitution 19732012 carnegie middle east. The constitution of the hashemite kingdom of jordan. The current political situation the syrian uprising was started in order to eliminate tyranny and build a state founded on citizenship and equal rights for all citizens, men and women alike, based on the universal human rights declaration. Guyana is an indivisible, secular, democratic sovereign state in the course of transition from capitalism to socialism and shall be known as the cooperative republic of guyana. Pdf the kurdish selfrule constitution in syria loqman. The syrian constitution of 1973 was drafted under the strong guidance of assad, and was the first arab constitution to adopt socialist nationalist principles. Constitution of the republic of suriname the national assembly 1987 no. Presenting a revised us constitution and constitution for the human federation. Further, in line with panarab ideology, it describes the country as a region of the wider arab world and its people as an integral part of the arab nation. In july 1922 the league of nations approved the texts of the french mandate for syria and lebanon. In a democratic state, the constitution places limits on government, in order to prevent it from abusing its powers. It refers to antioch because of the holy see that was established in that city by st.

The state shall provide means conducive to such achievements and shall provide support and encouragement for scientific and technical invention, and artistic creation and shall protect achievements thereof. Syria is a member of the union of the arab republics. Constitution of the rojava cantons wikisource, the free. In pursuit of freedom, justice, dignity and democracy and led by principles of equality. Provisional constitution of the united arab republic march 5. Syrias attempt in 1958 to join the united arab republic with egypt effectively suspended the existing constitutional framework. The old constitution of syria was started on march 1971. For example, article one of the constitution of 1964 stated the following. The constitution of the rojava cantons personal website of.

English translation of the syrian constitution modifications 1502. Before you lies the version which includes the most recent amendments bulletin of acts and decrees 1992 no. Lebanon had already, in august 1920, been declared a separate state, with the. The first states that the syrian revolution was part of a larger arab revolution. The national assembly shall consist of a senate and a chamber of deputies. To improve the performance of our website, show the most relevant news products and targeted advertising, we collect technical impersonal information about you, including through the tools of our partners.

On 21 july 20, the democratic union party pyd, partiya yekitiya demokrat announced a new kurdish constitution of ninetysix articles based on a social contract proclaiming kurdish autonomous regions composed of three cantons in a decentralized. Any text in any regional constitutions or any other legal text that contradicts this constitution shall be considered void. Constitution of the syrian arab republic 2012 preamble. The kurdish selfrule constitution in syria article pdf available in chinese journal of international law 144. Universally recognized principles and norms of international law as well as. The constitution also strengthened judicial authority, as well as the states democracy and institutions, by modernizing the supreme constitutional court. Islamic jurisprudence shall be a major source of legislation. A constitution serves functions and goals that are particularly important for israel.

The current constitution of the syrian arab republic was adopted on 26 february 2012. When hafez alassad died in 2000, the syrian parliament amended the constitution to lower the minimum age for a president from forty to thirtyfour in order to allow bashar to take office. This is the text of the constitution of the republic of suriname of 1987, as it was published in the bulletin of acts and decrees of the republic of suriname no. The arab nation managed to perform a great role in building human civilization when it was a unified nation. They work and struggle to achieve the arab nations comprehensive unity. Syrian president bashar alassad has decreed that a referendum on the new draft constitution will be held on 26 february, state media report. Constitution of the syriac orthodox church malankara. They deal with christian ethics, the duties of the clergy, the eucharistic liturgy, and various church problems and rituals. The euphrates, syria s most important river, crosses the country in the east. The syrian constitution 19732012 the previous version of the syrian constitution dates back from 1973 and has been valid up until february 2012 when the syrian government amended the text. Enacted by the king and the parliament of swaziland. The understanding that separation of powers does not imply an order of precedence among the organs of state, but reflects a civilised division of labour and mode of cooperation restricted to the. Article 40 of the 1973 constitution of syria states that military service is compulsory and regulated by law syria mar. When the ties of its national cohesion weakened, its civilizing role receded and the waves of colonial conquest shattered the arab nations unity, occupied its territory, and plundered its resources.